Editor's review
IPCMail is application software for sending emails periodically. IPCMail with its powerful schedule can store the alarms and notifications for important dates for sending emails and remind you on set time. You just need to set your IPCMail with the required files and it will notify you as well as send the required file to its destination automatically. All the details related to mail like the subject, body of message, list of attachment, list of recipients, date o sending etc are added in IPCMail scheduler just for once and then, it will automatically send the files in pre-set date and time. It also allows you to destine your STMP server as per your requirement. IPCMail gives its command to both DOS interface and INI batch interface. This makes the processing and sending of batch style files and generated log files faster and accurately. You can attach any type of file for emailing to IPCMail.
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